The Intersection of Education and Technology: Legal Considerations for High School Students

by readyrewind
The Intersection of Education and Technology Legal Considerations for High School Students

In today’s digital age, technology is becoming an increasingly important part of high school education. While technology can offer many benefits, such as increased access to educational resources and improved communication with teachers, it can also create legal concerns for high school students. As an education lawyer for high school students, it is important to understand the legal considerations that arise at the intersection of education and technology.

Privacy Concerns

One of the primary legal considerations with technology in high school education is privacy. Schools often collect and store large amounts of personal data about students, including grades, disciplinary records, and even biometric information in some cases. It is crucial that schools take appropriate steps to protect this information and comply with applicable privacy laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).


Another legal concern related to technology in high school education is cyberbullying. Students can use technology, such as social media and messaging apps, to harass and bully their peers. Schools have a duty to address cyberbullying and ensure that all students feel safe and supported. Education lawyers can assist schools in developing policies and procedures to prevent and respond to cyberbullying.

Intellectual Property

Technology can also create intellectual property concerns in high school education. For example, students may create original works, such as videos or artwork, as part of their coursework. It is important that schools respect students’ intellectual property rights and obtain appropriate permissions before using or sharing these works.

Access to Technology

Finally, access to technology can create legal considerations for high school students. While many students have access to technology at home, some students may not have access to the same resources. Schools must ensure that all students have equal access to technology and take steps to bridge the digital divide.

Advocating for High School Students

Education lawyers can play an important role in advocating for the rights of high school students at the intersection of education and technology. This can include:

  • Representing students in legal proceedings: If a student’s privacy has been violated or their intellectual property rights have been infringed, an education lawyer can represent them in legal proceedings.
  • Drafting policies and procedures: Education lawyers can assist schools in developing policies and procedures that protect students’ privacy and intellectual property rights while also promoting equal access to technology.

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